The most sensitive parts to ESD are electronic components or integrated circuits. Shipping and handling components puts them at physical and electrical peril. Good protection must include static protect and the correct physical protection including the exact fit in the case of components with fine pitched leads.
CCI leads the way in protection of components in shipping and handling. Our Corstat IC shipper have long been an industry standard. We have developed injection molded boxes and ultra soft foams along with our thermoformed products to provide every possible protection option.
Injection Molding
CCI makes the toughest cases in the industry. Our cases have a more robust hinge and closure.
Corstat or CFP are great for shielding components in transit.
Plastic inserts made from a variety of grades of ESD plastic from dissipative to conductive.
Permanent foams developed for CCI that we can die cut and fabricate to exact specifications.
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Proudly manufactured in the United States
Proud member of the ElectroStatic Discharge Association