Is Pink Foam Helping or Hurting Your ESD Compliance Program?


Pink ESD foam has been a staple in the ESD packaging world since its inception back in the 70’s. It is a great product that fulfills many needs in many applications. Typically used as a cushioning aspect of a package or work surface, pink foam has been a “solution” for many problems. However, there has been a misconception of the anti-static properties and how long they last. Pink anti static foams have a shelf life. Once that shelf life is gone the foam can become extremely dangerous to the manufacturing environment and sensitive components. When walking through an EPA (ESD Protected Area) the most common violation of standard ESD practices is the use, or misuse of these foams.

ANSI/ESD S541 tells us in 6.1 and 6.2 as it relates to ANSI/ESD S20.20 that packaging (in this case pink foam) used inside and outside an EPA must have certain characteristics.

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Double Up By Stacking Up

CCI can create a unique “locking partition set” that keeps the product in place when removed. This unique design allows you to stack multiple partition sets into a tote to maximize density in the package. By designing the outer container to fit the desired pallet size and height you eliminate shipping “air”. See the photo below for an example of using this style design to create the perfect package!

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New Thermoforming Machine and Team Members Improve Lead Times and Production Capabilities

New Thermoforming Machine and Team Members Improve Lead Times and Production Capabilities

As CCI continues to grow so does our team and our capabilities! We are committed to bringing you the best ESD products and top notch service in all aspects of your interactions with us. Recently, we brought in a second in-line thermoforming machine to increase our production and improve upon our thermoformed project leads times.  Read More