ESD Safe Totes & Boxes | Custom

ESD Safe Totes & Boxes System

The right static safe tote system not only is an ESD safe box but also fits the device sizes and the handling system that is most efficient for your products and manufacturing. At CCI we don’t make your product fit our totes, we make our totes fit your product. We have several common designs using our Corstat and Durastat totes. Both can easily be designed to fit your lot sizes and the physical size of your PCBs and assemblies. We try to understand your whole handling system from storage to assembly to shipping in order to design the most efficient static safe totes possible.

ESD Safe Totes - Material Selection

ESD Safe Totes - Corstat

Corstat Totes

A Corstat tote with bent over sides and bent over partitions is a low cost custom made system for your PCBs to eliminate

ESD Safe Totes - Durastat

Durastat Totes

Lightweight DT totes are stackable and can be fitted with CFP or Corstat partitions to exactly fit your boards

ESD Safe Totes With Stackable Corners and Card Guides

Card Guide Totes

Can be made of either Corstat or Conductive Fluted Plastic (CFP) with static dissipative or conductive thermoformed slotting to hold boards by only the edges

ESD Safe Totes With Kleanstat Flex Folders

Kleanstat Flex Totes

This unique system allows you to use one tote for many printed circuit board (PCB) sizes in FOD free dissipative flex folders to create huge labor savings

Challenge CCI to build the most efficient system for handling your boards in process or in shipping. We can design to a reusable system or for one way shipping in a static safe and cost effective way. We listen and design to your needs.

Gallery Of ESD Safe PCB Shippers