Static Dissipative Plastics | ESD & Static Safe Materials

Choosing the right Static Dissipative Plastic

At CCI, our primary objective is to comprehend your specific processes, as well as the components and printed circuit boards (PCBs) you handle and ship. Not all static dissipative plastics are created equal, and often, the quality of materials directly correlates with their cost. We will look at the part, the duration of the packages’ use, and protection considerations before choosing the most cost efficient option.

Types of Clear Static Dissipative Plastic

There are three main types of clear static dissipative plastics that we consider:

  1. Topically Coated for Dust Protection: These materials are designed for short-term use and generally lack reliability. While CCI does not stock these materials, we can utilize them for specific applications where short-term dust protection is necessary.

  2. Coated and Cured Static Dissipative PVC or PET: These materials are available in varying gauges and are best suited for applications involving limited use, such as one-time shipping. CCI stocks these materials and can certify their effectiveness, although they are not permanent and cannot be cleaned.

  3. Water Washable RPETG: An upgraded option within this product family, RPETG features recycled content and an internal and external cured coating that can be washed with water without compromising its ESD properties. This material offers long-term use potential, making it ideal for returnable and reusable applications.

Tailored Solutions for Optimal Protection

At CCI, we aim to provide the most suitable static dissipative solutions based on your specific needs. Whether your priority is short-term protection, cost-effectiveness, or long-term reusability, we have the expertise and materials to create customized solutions that safeguard your valuable components and streamline your handling and shipping processes.

Process & Materials

Establish The Design Requirements And Material Specifications

ESD Packaging Custom Aluminum Tooling

Prototype And Tool

Finished Parts

Shield For Shipping With A Corstat® Or CFP Outer Box

Gallery Of Component Shipping Solutions